The U.S. Supreme Court Justices Database

Funded by the National Science Foundation, Law and Social Science Program, #0241369

Lee Epstein, Principal Investigator
Thomas G. Walker, Principal Investigator
Nancy Staudt, Co-Principal Investigator
Scott Hendrickson
Jason Roberts

This is a multi-user, public database containing information on individuals nominated (whether confirmed or not) to the U.S. Supreme Court (John Jay-Amy Coney Barrett). Specifically, the Database houses 245 variables, falling into five categories: identifiers, background characteristics and personal attributes, nomination and confirmation, service on the Court, and departures from the bench.

  • CSV (Comma Delimited Text), click here

  • DTA (Stata), click here

  • XLSX (Microsoft Excel Worksheet), click here

All databases and documentation updated on October 28, 2022.

Documentation. Click here. This is a 138-page .pdf but we urge you to look it over before using the Database.

Citing the Database. If you use this Database, please cite it as:

Epstein, Lee, Thomas G. Walker, Nancy Staudt, Scott Hendrickson, and Jason Roberts. (2022). "The U.S. Supreme Court Justices Database." October 28. At:

We would be very grateful for feedback.