Conservatives In Court

Conservatives in Court

Published in 1985. Knoxville, TN: University of Tennessee Press
216 pp.
ISBN: 0-87049-567-4 (paper)

Lee Epstein

(This is a revised version of my dissertation.)

Description (from the University of Tennessee Press)

Lee Epstein compares three types of conservative interest groups to determine how they conduct their litigation activities. In the process she tests the validity of several widely held beliefs about the ways in which interest groups generally use the court to further their aims.


Chapter 1. Interest Group Litigation
Chapter 2. Early Conservative Interest Group Litigation, 1900-1940
Chapter 3. Conservative Economic Litigation since the 1960s
Chapter 4. Conservative Social Litigation since the 1960s
Chapter 5. Conservative Public Interest Litigation since the 1970s
Chapter 6. An Assessment of the Status of Interest Group Litigation

List of Interest Groups
Tables of Cases